Autos For Sale
Car: 2014 Tesla Model S
Price: $22,500
Features: 85 kWh Electric, A/C, Power Windows, Locks, Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, Audio AM/FM/ Stereo, and Automatic Transmission.
Mileage: 60,899
VIN: 5YJSA1H19EFP60588
Car: 2023 Hyundai Santa Cruz
Price: $34,445
Features: 2.5L i4 Tubo, Passive Entry, Collision Avoidance, Lane Assist, Heated Seats A/C, Power Windows, Locks, Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, Audio AM/FM/ Stereo, and Automatic Transmission.
Mileage: 10,240
Car: 2016 Volkswagen Jetta
Price: $7,847
Features: 1.4L I4 Turbo, A/C, Power Windows, Locks, Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, Audio AM/FM/ Stereo, and Alloy Wheels.
Mileage: 126,130
VIN: 3VW267AJ8GM354182
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