Community Service
Telco Community Credit Union has a long history of embracing the Credit Union motto “People Helping People”. We go beyond helping members with financial services and proudly engage with our communities with charitable services.
- Over $18,000 was raised and countless man-hours were contributed this year to local charities and individuals struggling financially.
- Support was given to individual members for heating bills, medical expenses, short-term housing, and school supplies.
- Christmas gifts for children who otherwise would receive very little if anything.
Local charities include Eblen Foundation, The Hope Chest, Fostering, Helping Hands Clinic, Fostering Hope, Helping Hands, Humane Society, WNC Rescue Mission, Shriners, Fraternal Order of Police, Fire Fighters Associations, Vessels of Mercy, Community Centers, Health and Dental Ministry to name a few.
Telco is committed to giving back to the community and recognizes the importance of education and academic assistance. Scholarships provide an opportunity for people to earn an education and pursue their dreams. Telco is proud to award six deserving high school students entering college with $1,000 scholarships for Fall 2025.
Telco is a Nine-Time recipient of the Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Community Service Award, recognizing outstanding activity in community support.